Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How this all started...

So I guess I will have to provide some background info, so boyfriend and I went to college together, after school he moved (for work) to London and I moved to the city (for school). We were friends in college, and hooked up occasionally, nothing too serious although looking back he was my favorite. (I have a slight problem with liking and giving in to douchebags, he was probably one of the non-douchebags i made out with in college, and sadly there were only a few of those; another day another post). We kept in touch and I heard through the grapevine he was dating someone (ick), this lasted for awhile then he was able to split his time between the city and London so we started seeing more of each other (girlfriend has since gone). Mind you its been like YEEEAARS now, so we've both grown up a lot since then (especially me, i was such a chicken head, but still have intimacy issues, from said douchebags). And one drunken night while we're in my apartment drinking a bottle of red wine and snuggling, he says 'I haven't mentioned this to anyone, but i want to tell you' and of course my mind starts racing, oh jesus what is he going to tell me. " I went to a dominatrix when I was living in London". and so begins our discussion and my exploration...

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