So I thought i would share with everyone the first time i really got a high from a sexual encounter and looking back, probably the beginning of my love of the power dynamic of a BDSM sexual "lifestyle" (of course i didn't know this at the time).
I was in college on my semester abroad. I always seem to go for the ones who are either the pompous douchebags, or the tortured soul douchebags. This boy falls into the latter category. We shall call him Preacher Man. Every morning he would wake up at 6am to pray, a good boy from the MidWest, and of course saving himself for marriage. If you can tell by the moniker I gave him, he also aspired to be a Pastor. (he made it pretty close, last I heard he is a religious social worker). So we lived in a really sparse dorm situation and we both had roommates, so we had to get creative with our endeavours.
Preacher Man and I started talking over drinks one night, which turned into some make outs in a corner (very classy).
This innocent little relationship soon turned into me continually testing his limits and trying to push him into seriously questioning his morality in relation to his sexuality and religion (seriously, he told me it kept him up at nights).
I don't even remember how this started, but he called it "wrestling" which in reality, it totally was. We would meet up in a unused storage closet, empty and not air conditioned and do just that, we would cage fight basically until we were both sweaty and out of breath, everything was allowed (I never play fair) I would bite, smack, hit him dangerously close to places he cherised, and also was known to put all my weight into knocking his legs out from under him. He of course, being about a foot taller than me, could always subdue me. He'd push his entire weight on top of me while holding down my hands (usually over my head). It got pretty serious, i was always bruised in shapes oddly similar to hands complete with fingers, and he couldn't go shirtless from all the bites I gave him. But this is where it get's interesting, once he had me down he would lose his nerve and I would just stare back at him, like "come on, big man, this is your game what's next (knowing that he couldnt make those decisions), it was pretty weird but incredibly hot. Until he admitted that his size and control didn't equal him winning (even while he was still on top of me), then we would start making out. It was such a big rush! And obviously he loved it too, I would make him ask for the things he wanted to do with me/to me, knowing fully well that saying such things would humiliate him. Making him use the same mouth he spoke to God with to ask me to suck him off, or ask if he could go down on me. I would pretend I couldn't hear him and make him repeat it. Since he as a virgin, the pesky question of sex and when this ended was all on me, yes I would give him head usually, but it was never expected or required. Most of the time, i would get on top of him ad dry hump him while telling him what sex feels like/what it would feel like. He aimed to please, since he was over compensating for the no sex part, and he took direction wonderfully.
I'm not saying this situation didn't totally fuck me up too, I mean, he was emotionally unavailable and confused about why he liked what we were doing, yet in his mind saw it as wrong. So he blamed me for corrupting him, for leading him astray, etc. But he would always come back. And of course, I wasn't a big fan of being snubbed and looked down upon for things I knew we both liked.
Even today, he randomly calls and emails. He wanted to get together recently. He is now divorced from his wife (he waited until marriage) and wanted to reconect. But I have no interest in going back, I want to move forward. We both got out of it what we wanted. I learned that I like my sex with a devlish smirk and a side of surrender, and he learned that sexuality is more complex and fun than what he learnd in bible study. He needs to move on, and so do I. No more tortured souls, I need someone confident in their submission (still haven't found that, more on Boyfriend later)