My blog, it haz a flavr:

moar funny pictures
I am thankful that kink and sexy now work well together, even though I can't afford anything from Agent Provocateur, I still think its all pretty sexy (well not all, some of it is absolutely ugly) But it's also all geared towards submissive females (check out their accesories, but some have potential)
But I covet this corset:

MY PUPPY!!!! (we'll he's a grown man these days, but he brings me joy and delight even when he acts like suc a bad boy. But even when he does, just watching the gears turn in his little head brings joy that I forget about the early morning walks, or the fact that my social life is curtailed sometimes because having those adorable dead teddy eyes look up at me for guidance and support is just too cute.
I'm thankful for my family, my friends and all my new blog friends; you guys rock and I am definitely the most happy (albiet probably the most confused/f-ed up) that I have been in awhile, but I'm enjoying life and my place in it.
Totally unrelated:
I'm sure there will be some boring as fuck Peanuts Holiday movie on network tv tomorrow when I want to digest and lounge. Does anyone else find those super boring? Even as a child I never got the appeal of Peanuts, if anyone did/does, please let me know. I thought they were poorly drawn and had pacing problems/were too goddam boring. Although I did like the one where Snoopy gets all upset because of all the "No Dogs Allowed" Signs. But thats because I love all dog humor.

Happy Thanksgving!
1 comment:
and I am thankful for your blog!!
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